
Raising money for Royal Children's Hospital

Raising money for Royal Children's Hospital

In 2024, PLACEMENT SOLUTIONS is raising funds for the Royal Children's Hospital and we need your help! Every dollar counts towards creating a brighter future for children right across Victoria or as we like to say 'your most precious assets'.

Nanny with a baby

Celebrating 36 years in Business.

In that time we have taken a lot of phone calls, pager messages, ( remember pagers? ) texts and emails, and so many requests for help from busy families and families in crisis.

Nanny with a baby

A Night Nanny, now known as a Newborn Care Specialist,

A night nanny, now known as a newborn care specialist, is a professional caregiver who specializes in providing overnight care for newborns and their parents. Their primary role is to help new parents get the rest they need by taking care of the baby during the night.


Successful Nanny Sharing

Successful Nanny Sharing

One of the things I often hear people say about hiring a Nanny is that it is “only for the rich”.  While it is obviously true that using in-home childcare will be more expensive than using a childcare centre, the benefits of a Nanny can be made more accessible when a Nanny is shared.

36 years and counting; Louise Dunham is the owner and director of Placement Solutions,

36 years and counting; Louise Dunham is the owner and director of Placement Solutions,

a leading Australian nanny and household staff agency.

nanny doing a jigsaw with two girls

Children’s Week 2023 21-29th October -

The statement "children have the right to relax, play, and take part in activities they enjoy" is a fundamental principle outlined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). The CRC is an international human rights treaty adopted in 1989, and it sets out the civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights of children. Article 31 of the CRC specifically addresses this concept.

Five ways to make nanny sharing work

Five ways to make nanny sharing work

Nanny sharing is a great way to reduce the cost of in-home child care while adding some extra socialisation into your children’s day. However it works best when it is approached in the right way. While Placement Solutions keep things ‘clean’ by invoicing each family separately, holding joint client liaison meetings and so on, there are a number of factors nanny-sharing families should bear in mind.

Asian Boys Playing

In Home Care (IHC) program provides financial assistance to families

The Australian government's In Home Care (IHC) program provides financial assistance to families who require in-home childcare due to their unique circumstances, such as shift work, rural or remote location, or a child with a disability or medical condition. The program is designed to provide flexible and personalized care options for families who cannot access traditional childcare services.

What is a Household Manager

A household manager is a professional who is responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of a household. They are typically hired by busy families who need help managing their homes and schedules.

It is important to note that they are not  cleaners and not professional organisers although the edges can blur into each other depending on the individual tasks required.

When it comes to childcare and HHM's sometimes we hear the words Household or Lifestyle Assistant or Nanager. We divided the job descriptiosn specifically so that Nanny/ Educators can always  perform their due diligence and duty of care when looking after children. Childcare in that instance is always the first priority and is not compatible with a full list of HHM tasks.